RoanS Art handmade decorations [12/14]

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Premium collection of surprising handmade decorations


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Category: Jobs


Price: 18,00 £
In existence since 2900) B.C., the city of Babylon, under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.), had spread on both sides of the Euphrates River. It covered 500 acres. Many of the houses were three stories high whose flat roofs were buttr...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 18,00 £
Early central heating seems to have developed along several lines that included hearths and fireplaces, stoves, and underfloor systems. Fixed central hearths date as far back as 2500 B.C. They were excavated in Greece.Crude fireplace heating was u...
Medical rescuer

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Category: Jobs

Medical rescuer

Price: 18,00 £
Also known as emergency medical responders, these professionals are the earliest healthcare workers to arrive at an accident or scene of a medical emergency. As a crucial part of the emergency medical assistance team, a first responder quickly ass...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 18,00 £
They work on the design and development of new buildings as well as the restoration and maintenance of existing ones. This is a very wide field and may include advising on various aspects of buildings at different stages.The nature of the work may...
Vet doctor

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Category: Jobs

Vet doctor

Price: 18,00 £
Cats, dogs. I'm all cure. A veterinarian is a medical professional who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people. They diagnose and control animal diseases and treat sick and injured animals. They also advise owners on proper c...
Floor layer

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Category: Jobs

Floor layer

Price: 18,00 £
Floor - portion of the surface for walking. Often extremely vile and pernicious . Wayward selects its prey route of elimination ... waiting for the right moment and then changes its physical properties and becomes exceedingly slippery.

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Category: Jobs


Price: 18,00 £
The depth, the dark, and the dangers inherent in mining created a uniquely dangerous working environment for the miner. Miners faced death from collapsing mines, oxygen deprivation, and haulage accidents, with the specter of fatal lung disease rem...

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Category: Life situations


Price: 18,00 £
A florist will design and create arrangements of flowers in wreaths, bouquets, vases and centrepiece elements. Sometimes florists may design entire rooms or outdoor areas, and fill them with flowers in a pleasing arrangement. This is especially tr...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
Karate is a self-defence system that combines fast, direct techniques with great power, generated through body mechanics.Generally speaking, the aim of a karateka when forced to fight is to subdue an opponent with one decisive move.At the turn of ...
Icehockey I

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Category: Sports

Icehockey I

Price: 18,00 £
Still others claim that hockey evolved in Northern Europe. At any rate, it is quite likely that ice hockey came into being from different early games played with a stick and a ball. A more definitive history of hockey can start from the mid 1800's...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
It was too fast ... The word ski comes from the Old Norse word "skíð" which means stick of wood or ski.[3] The word "ski" has a wider meaning in Norwegian, for instance "vedski" meaning "splitwood for making fire" or "skigard" meaning "a wooden s...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
The ancient Greeks practiced commercial and military diving, usually with little or no equipment. In the Iliad, Homer describes the use of divers in the Trojan Wars; Greek laws regulating those who dived for sunken treasure are found as early as t...
Roll boy-bench

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Category: Sports

Roll boy-bench

Price: 18,00 £
 Early skates were similar to today's inline skates, but they were not very manoeuvrable; it was very difficult with these skates to do anything but move in a straight line and perhaps make wide sweeping turns. During the rest of the 19th cen...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
Mountaineer is he name of the inhabitants of mountainous areas, opposite to the inhabitants of the valleys - the Poles . In relation to the adjacent groups they differ primarily a form of economy (farming and herding ) and isolation that comes wit...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
Kayaking definitely affords you the ability to be closer to nature than a lot of other activities do. In many cases you will be able to travel to and see sights only accessible to a very small percentage of the population.Whether a person is kayak...
Runner I

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Category: Sports

Runner I

Price: 18,00 £
An average man has enough energy in his fat stores to run non-stop for 3 days at 24km per hour. That’s FAST considering about 10-12km per hour is the average pace general punters run at. Please don’t try this at home.In the feet, 26 bones, 33 join...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
Running is a medium by which you can express your emotions such as sadness and happiness. Particularly for sporty people strong Love is often associated with hobbies such as running. Have you tried taking your love out to running competition aroun...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 15,00 £
Way back to the 17th century the Master Sweep of the day would employ small boys to climb and scramble up chimneys. The task for these climbing boys was to brush clean the inside of the flue with small hand-held brushes. They also used metal scrap...

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